The ministry of information and broadcasting has recently advised India’s news channels, OTT platforms, and digital news publishers to steer clear of showcasing any online betting ads. According to this new rule, the OTT platforms, news publishers, channels, etc. have been prohibited from showcasing any kind of ad including surrogate advertisements, as these might bring socio-economic and financial risks for the modern consumers.
The top social media marketing agencies are already singing praises for this prohibitory proclamation. According to the ministry, the offshore betting platforms on the web are using brand-new websites as a way of showcasing surrogate ads on different digital networks or medias where the of surrogate news websites’ logos tend to bear a striking a deep to all the betting platforms or neither every betting platform nor the news sites are registered under any kind of legal authority in our country.
The ministry has issued an advisory inquiring newspaper, digital news publishers, and private television channels for refraining from publishing ads of betting platforms online. The advisors issued through the ministry stated that as gambling and betting is illegal in most of the parts of India, ads of such betting platforms and their surrogates are absolutely illegal.
The advisories had their faith fixated on every provision of Cable TV Network Regulation Act 1995, Consumer Protection Act 2019, and the IT Rules, 2021. As per the best digital marketing services, earlier it was a common thing to display these ads on gaming apps, cricket platforms, etc. As these might lead to potential threat or breach in the law, both broadcasters and such platforms must be careful of every rule and regulation which govern these.
The Indian Govt. has tightened up its control over every organization, which are promoting their brands, services, products, etc. through surrogate ads. According to Mr. Meenakshi Menon – the respected chairperson, communication specialist and founder of Access Pvt. Ltd – in the larger context, at the time of using this law, the India Government is preventing overall gambling and betting system, which bypasses the exchanger.
It is a matter of anticipation that in the forthcoming 6 months, we might witness some kinds of formalization at this space. As the Indian government has provided a deadline, all the channels would require to ensure that they put an end on the ads. These channels might be upset or offended at such development since it would indicate at losing out on revenues in the time when there’s not already been much e-commerce, online education platforms, and FMCG ads right now.
There is no doubt in the fact that online gambling is India’s litigated subject. In the recent time, the Tamil Nadu Cabinet has approved an ordinance of banning gambling online in the state. It is now awaiting the approval of our country’s governor.
In spite of the fact that our Madras High Court had struck down a very similar prohibition on multiple online gambling activities like pokers, rummy, and the likes. The Supreme Court of India has already drawn a notice in Tamil Nadu’s petition imposing challenges on the judgement of high court.
Meanwhile Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Telangana have sought for prohibiting online gambling activities that the high courts have decided to strike down legislation looking for such bans.
27 April 2023
6 April 2023
31 March 2023
23 March 2023